Friday, 26 June 2009

it's party time!!!

Hello everybody,

it's me again! 2 weeks ago I was on holidays but now the day-to-day life is back and with it all its work and duties but also its pleasures ;) Especially because we had a lot of parties last week.
Ann Meehan's birthday had to be properly celebrated just as well as Minna and Kalles Farewell. That's actually not nice at all: they are going back to Finland after staying in the community for one and a half years. They were great houseparents for Brigheen and everybody misses Kalle and Arni already now, Minna and Helmi will leave for good next Wednesday :(
This time I've got some pictures here:

Then we continued with the St. John's celebration. Each it's a great fire and we included a barbecue. It happened on our field where we collected all sorts of old wood and branches and it was an immense pile. First I had some concerns that it wouldn't burn properly but soon they dissolved into smoke just like the timber. I personally enjoyed it very much - later on Mischa called me a "Pyromaniac" ^^
I even took a video although it seemed much more impressive in reality...

And the day after we finished with Brendan's 56th birthday. It was rather relaxed with a few drinks and stuff. Amongst others Julie looked after everybody's entertainment with amazing dancing performances. So also Julia, our new co-worker got a pretty good impression of the liveliness of our community ;)
But now I'm personally quite happy to just have a few normal working days...sometimes work can be relaxing too! :D

However... that's all from me for today.

Best wishes

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

it's summertime!!!

Hey hey hey!!!

What a nice day today! The sun is shining and everybody is convinced that a weather like this hasn't hit Ireland in ages for such a long time (already one week - ohooo)! =) =) =)
But it's great because it's the time for going to the beach, for making barbecues (we had even two on the long weekend) and going swimming in the river. And not to forget: water fights! Yesterday I had one with Emer and, well, I definetely had to change afterwards :D
Unfortunately the heat can also be difficult especially during the wotkshops. Working in the garden in the full sun or baking in the kitchen that is already very warm can be quite hard. But everybody tries to give his best I think ;)
Actually I also have some more good news! 5 people from our community will go on their summer holidays this Friday. It also includes me that's why it's even better ^^ I just hope the weather will stay to be as great as the last few days because I want to make a big cycling tour to the westcoast and from there I will see how far I get. So actually it could be a little bit cooler ;)

But it's still two days to go and time for the community meeting. We want to talk about what to do Friday evening. It's things like going to the pub, going out for a meal or doing some crafts.

Have a nice day and by the way: if you have time we always like to see guests enjoying their time in our garden, and why not after having had a little something in our coffeeshop ;)

best wishes