Monday, 31 December 2012

Monday, 24 December 2012

A Kilcullen Diary: The Bells ring in Christmas Eve

A Kilcullen Diary: The Bells ring in Christmas Eve: As always, it was a wonderful start to Christmas Eve to join with a packed house for the Bell Ringing in An Tearmann. Well done, all, and ...

Friday, 30 November 2012

A Kilcullen Diary: The passing of Dermot O'Shea

A Kilcullen Diary: The passing of Dermot O'Shea: It is with deep sadness that the Diary reports the death of Dermot O'Shea, of Mile Mill and the Bridge Camphill Community, Kilcullen. ...

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Saturday, 22 September 2012

A Kilcullen Diary: A busy night it was

A Kilcullen Diary: A busy night it was: Well, it did promise to be a busy night in Kilcullen, and that's exactly what it turned out to be. Your editor was only able to dip in a...

Friday, 21 September 2012

Culture Night World Café a great success

Culture Night in The Bridge Community was a great success with the Camphill Bell Choir performing to great effect and Siobhan showcasing several of her poems.

Vicky from Grangebeg sang some beautiful songs to the piano and Roy Thompson A friend of mine who is a great singer songwriter, local journalist Brian Byrne and myself sang some songs to guitar.

But the most fun moment was definitely when the audience took over the bells and lyres and gave it a lash without any previous rehearsal. Fun was definitely had by all. A Great Night.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

A Kilcullen Diary: Difference Day 2

A Kilcullen Diary: Difference Day 2: Some scenes from last Wednesday's Difference Day at Bridge Camphill, where staff of the Irish Insurers Underwriters Exchange completed s...

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

A Kilcullen Diary: New Trail a 'gift to the community'

A Kilcullen Diary: New Trail a 'gift to the community': "I couldn't put words on the contribution which Bridge Camphill has made to Kilcullen in the almost 21 years since they came here...

Monday, 27 August 2012

A Kilcullen Diary: A great day again, and here's the story

A Kilcullen Diary: A great day again, and here's the story: It goes against all Irish summer odds that a one-day festival can have fine weather for three years in a row, writes Brian Byrne . But tha...