Thursday, 26 April 2007

Path completed!

Patrick, James and Cyrill have recently completed building the path from Isserin House's laundry to the soon-to-be-completed drying and recycling shed in the back garden. They built it with coloured bricks, with an arched surface in order to allow for Ireland's 12-month rainy season.

Friday, 20 April 2007

This is what this Blog could look like!

For many years parents, brothers and sisters as well as ex-coworkers have asked us whether we could post a regular newsletter so that people can stay in touch and know what is going on in the Bridge Community as well as more recently up in Grangebeg.

So we hope now to involve people here in the Bridge in writing this Blog and share moments like in the pictures below with all our friends near and afar!

So watch this space and check regularily what is happening!

Greetings to all of you
